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New Year New Career: Five Reasons To Start Career Training

Originally published at blog.ed2go.com on 10th December 2019 .”

Most of us think of the things we’d like to change with the New Year. For some, it’s “New Year New Career.” And why not? But what should you do instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions that, let’s face it, may fail? Experts agree that the best thing is decide to make just one big switch that will create the most change in your life — for you, that might be a career change.

One of the best ways to change, and even start that new career, your life is through education — specifically with career training program.

If you have your eye on a new career in 2021, here are five reasons you should to start career training.

1. Many great and growing careers don’t require college degrees

It’s true that a college degree can provide you with career opportunities, however it’s not a requirement to land many of today’s top growing careers.

Some of the top professions were Medical Assistant, Medical Secretary, Web Developer, Paralegal, and Dental Assistant are even included in U.S. News and World Report’s list of “The 100 Best Jobs” based on good salary, job availability, challenging work, manageable stress, work-life balance, and room for advancement.

2. Career training can be the first step to entering a field you love

The marketplace for jobs is competitive. Many employers won’t even be willing to give you a second glance, let alone an interview without the right credentials. Completing a training program and earning a certificate or certification shows employers that you are serious about your role in the profession.

It will also prove that you have the skills necessary to do the job — even with limited experience. The right training and certifications can definitely set you apart, and help you land the job you want.

3. You’ll get satisfaction from learning something new

Psychologists state that humans have a natural desire to learn and progress called “mastery”. Learning boost self-confidence and your belief that you can succeed.

There are many positive effects of education. These effects range from higher income, job satisfaction, emotional flexibility, and even better social opportunities. Learning also improves creativity as opening new connections in the brain can trigger ideas in other areas of your life.

4. You will meet others in your desired industry

In any good career training program, whether online or in a classroom, you’ll be given the opportunity to interact and network with those training alongside you as well as expert instructors.

Forming lasting connections with others who are entering the same field will allow you to share best practices and techniques. You’ll also develop a group of professional references who understand your skills and capabilities.

Learning from the successes and failures of others will help you improve your own performance.

5. Achieving one goal may inspire you to make other changes

Achieving a goal that you’ve set will give you a sense of accomplishment and the desire to do even more. Once you complete your career training and land the job you’ve been dreaming about, the possibilities are endless. You might finally lose the weight, meet “the one”, or begin working on the hobby you’ve always wanted to try.

Real change takes time, a lot of effort, and patience. Regardless of what you pursue next, you’ll know that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

Career training programs are a great way to achieve your goal of a new career because they are less expensive than earning a traditional 4-year degree, and they can help you break into the field you want quickly.

The skills you earn can help you land a great new career, connect with others, and build long term success. Here’s to you in the New Year!

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